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Home Courses Computer Literacy and Windows 7

Computer Literacy and Windows 7

Computer literacy starts at a very young age – but many only start much, much later. With our computer literacy course we cover the basics: Send media from your PC to compatible devices on  your home network. Manage lots of open programs, documents, and browser windows  easily with thumbnail and full-screen previews of open windows. Instantly locate  and open any file on your PC, from documents to e-mail messages to songs, right  from the Start menu just by typing a word or two. Watch TV shows for free when  and where you want with Internet TV on Windows Media Centre. Windows 7 is  designed to respond to your commands more quickly by using memory more efficiently.  Find and connect to Wi- Fi, mobile broadband, VPN, or dial-up networks with just  a couple clicks.

We also offer classes for the older ones among us who wish to connect with perhaps family overseas, or see photos on Facebook or put updates on Twitter.

In short we give everyone a chance to get where they want to with regards to IT and there is no better place to start than the computer literacy class.